Digitize chess games faster

Would you like to try?
Voucher code for a package 25: Try_it_P25

You can quickly and easily convert your chess forms into pgn format here or use our service and have your complete tournament recorded by us.
Here is a short demo video (DE/EN). You can find detailed information on the functions in the FAQ. . You can find detailed information on the functions in the FAQ.

Choose your package


Buy credit / Account / Test

With the first purchase of a credit you will receive your account and access data and can immediately start converting chess forms into pgn format. The credit is valid for one year from the date of purchase and you can choose between 3 packages. The packages differ in the number of batches you can process. The functions are the same in all three packages.
If you would like to try it out first, send us an e-mail or get in touch using the contact form or just use the voucher Try_it_P25 when you are buying a Package 25.
Are you a tournament organizer? Please ask for special conditions for you.

  • Package 25
    25 games digitize, edit and manage. Validity: 1 year from date of purchase
    3,99  inc. VAT
  • Package 100
    100 games digitize, edit and manage. Validity: 1 year from date of purchase Validity: 1 year from date of purchase
    8,99  inc. VAT
  • Package unlimited
    unlimited number of games digitize, edit and manage. Validity: 1 year from date of purchase Validity: 1 year from date of purchase
    14,99  inc. VAT

From paper to pgn file

Simply take a picture of the score sheet and let the software recognize the moves. Give a few hints and the pgn format is ready.

Request full service for tournaments

Fast and precise

Recording games is quick and effective. You are optimally supported by the software.

Also available as a mobile version

The application is available as a desktop version, but can also be used on mobile devices.

Can be used in a team

Folders can be shared and edited together. Ideal for sharing the workload at tournaments.

Team matches in the league?

Anyone who has digitized the games of recent years knows what to expect.